
Your privacy is important to us

We protect your right to privacy. The following guidelines outline fair and appropriate handling of all consumer information passed through this Web site.

Privacy Policy Guidelines

We value our client’s and take great pride in ensuring that their privacy is maintained. With electronic mail, Internet, and other online resources growing exponentially, it is important that we maintain an environment where our client’s feel confident the information they provide us will not be misused.

This protection of client privacy is best achieved through cooperation between the business community, clients, service providers, government agencies, and information collectors. We believe every client should be able to conduct business with us without having personal information used for unrelated purposes.

This document provides guidelines that we use to ensure proper handling of all client information.

Opt-Out Process

We believe our clients should have the right to decline disclosure of personal information collected from our databases. The records for those clients who request that their personal information not be used for mailings will be marked in our database so that their names are excluded from any contact in future.

Currently we mark consumer records in two ways:

  • 1 Do not mail excludes the client’s name from our general advisory and promotional electronic mailouts
  • 2 OK to mail includes client’s name on such mailing list

Our clients can request removal of their name from this list at any time by sending an email to us.

Client Information Sources

Client information is collected only when the client applies for a User Name. The information allows us, in return, to quickly and efficiently communicate with our clients.

Types of Information

The client information we collect allows us to better understand our consumers and their service preferences. Client profiles help us to develop products and programmes, which relate to client’s needs. The typical profile information collected is: name and address, phone and fax number, email address, types of product used and their quantities.

Uses of Client Information

Client information may be used for various research projects aimed to better understand product usage and client preferences. The data may be used to evaluate client reaction to our products, and services offered online. It may also include using the client’s name and address on direct mail or other client communication methods.

On occasion, we may also disclose name and information collected to approved firms that market research for us. Those clients who have requested removal of their name will not be contacted. Names will not be used by an external company on behalf of any other company or for any other purpose.